Recovery & Insolvency /

Don’t leave it too late – quick reaction can prevent insolvency!

shutterstock_74869378All too often in the current climate a business is juggling with tight margins and cashflow – then one of the balls fall and everything quickly crashes down. A quick reaction to a business crisis means that there are more avenues open to ensure survival.

Early intervention can allow for the use of Examinership/ Examinership Lite Programmes/ Loan Negotiations/Informal Schemes of Arrangement where the owners remain in control of the process.

Late intervention can result in the appointment of a Receiver by chargeholders, windup by Court Liquidation or Creditors Voluntary Liquidation where decisions about the business are taken out of your hands.

It is during times of adversity that you most need support. At McInerney Saunders, we act as a sympathetic but objective adviser who can help negotiate the way to recovery, planning a strategy to keep your company trading.

Restructuring Programmes:

We help you get back on track, so the earlier you seek our advice, the better chance your business has of recovering. We provide realistic, impartial advice on the possible options – and the implications of their success or failure. Each company requires their own specific restructuring programme and we will work with you to optimise success!


In cases where the company is no longer viable, however, we fully inform you of your statutory compliance and your obligation to creditors. Our services are focused on producing the best outcome for creditors and owners or individuals in circumstances that are always trying. There are many methods of winding up a business and we will ensure that the optimal solution is selected for you.

Click here for some of the frequently asked questions by Directors of Companies in difficulty

Bank Institutions:

We can represent the holders of floating charges and provide pre-receivership assessments and reports, including assessments of the potential recoveries. We currently complete work and/or are panel members  for a wide range of institutions including:

– NAMA                            – Bank of Ireland

-AIB NAMA                     – Allied Irish Bank

-KBC plc                           – Certus

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